SmartNET Framework

Carrying a 40 year heritage in software development, Unixfor operates as a complete self service solution provider. During the last 15+ years we are developing our own Self Service Kiosk Applications, addressing our direct customers needs.

To ensure the highest quality of our software deliverables and shorten software production & testing cycle, we have also developed our own development platform, which is now available to all our strategic partners, as well as third-party developers or device vendors, seeking sophisticated .NET software components.

Our SmartNET Framework is a high level software platform that enables a business application to safely and efficiently interact with self service kiosk peripherals or other devices and environments. It offers an abstraction layer, hides devices’ complexity and isolates your code from different peripheral models’ and devices’ particularities.

In addition, it integrates direct communication channels with Total Care; our sophisticated remote monitoring and management platform. As a result, it transparently posts all types of occurred events (application, devices, sensors, etc.) in a unified manner, while enabling remote terminal management, software distribution & troubleshooting.

Benefits from using the unixfor smartnet framework

Increase your application stability

Accelerate your development time

Protect your investment

Minimize your maintenance and support effort

Access valuable insights & consultation from Unixfor


For further information regarding SmartNET Framework, talk to one of our experts now!